How to Build Your Website
(a step-by-step video guide)

Welcome to the full step-by-step video guide on how to build your own website for your business-on-the-side!

If you have any questions or feedback, just ask them in the comments area at the bottom and I'll be sure to reply.

I'll also be including a text version of this at the very bottom below all the videos, so feel free to check that out in the near future if you prefer that over video lessons.

Enjoy the guide, and I look forward to hearing what you think 🙂


How to Choose the Right Domain Name
(website name best practices)

How to Get a ".com" Domain and Set Up Hosting

Use this video if your product, service, or blog isn’t just for a Canadian audience.

If you’re creating something just for Canadians, then skip this video and move onto the next one (since the process is different).

How to Get a “.ca” Domain
(Canadians Only)

If you’re a Canadian or have a Canadian corporation and your site is specifically for Canadians, then you definitely want to obtain a “.ca” domain (even though you have to jump through a few more hoops to get it).

Skip this video if your product, service, or blog is not exclusively for a Canadian audience.

Set Up Hosting for a “.ca” Domain
(Canadians Only)

This is a continuation from the previous video.

Skip this video if you did not get a “.ca” domain.

Install WordPress

This video is for everyone (whether you’re using a “.com” or “.ca” domain).

Linking Your .ca Domain to Your Hosting
(Canadians Only)

Skip this video if you did not get a “.ca” domain.

Get the Right Theme (critical)

This step is for everyone (whether you’re using a “.com” or “.ca” domain).

It’s a critical step for several reason as explained in the video:

Install the Theme

This next step is for everyone (whether you’re using a “.com” or “.ca” domain).

Start Building!

Congratulations! You can now start building your site. The video below will show you step-by-step how I built the site so that you can follow along if you wish. To summarize, here are the tools that were used from beginning to end:

To help you out, here is a checklist of the things that I prepared before recording the video:

  • The Logo
  • Writing the Base Content for the Site (home page, about page, etc.)
  • Preparing Pictures to be Used for the Site

That's it! I hope you enjoyed the guide! If you know of anybody else that is looking to start their own business, please share this with them.

I wish you all the best,



Disclaimer/Full-Disclosure: Some of the tools that I personally use and recommend do have an affiliate program where I receive a commission if you sign up for them using the links on my page. I only endorse services and tools that I personally use, and the price you pay for these services is the same as if you purchased them elsewhere (like if you found the service yourself using Google). If you do purchase through my affiliate link, thank you so much for your support!

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