In today’s episode, we’re going to cover the top ETFs in Canada, specifically for Canadian investors. These findings are based on 8 experts in this field who are part of the Best ETFs in Canada Guide which is published annually on MoneySense and written by the one and only Jonathan Chevreau.
In this episode, we’re going to talk about what the findings were with the creator of the guide, and one of the top Analysts from the panel (Benjamin Felix, Portfolio Manager at PWL Capital).
We will actually give you the tickers of the top ETFs according to the panel of experts, and we will discuss why those particular ETFs were chosen. We’ll also go into detail about some of the nuances so that you can better choose which ETF is better for your situation.
Each category has several finalists so it’s important to know the caveats of how they differ so that you can choose the one that’s right for you.
This interview expands on what you will find in the text version of the guide, so use this interview as a supplement to the MoneySense written guide, which you can find at
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Links & Resources Covered
The text version of the guide is available for free here:
Resources from Jonathan Chevreau Chevreau at MoneySense:
Jonathan is the co-author of Victory Lap Retirement (together with Mike Drak)
He is also the author of Findependence Day
Last but definitely not least, be sure to check out more of Jonathan’s great articles and guides at the Financial Independence Hub
Resources from Benjamin Felix, Portfolio Manager at PWL Capital:
Ben’s Excellent YouTube Channel: Common Sense Investing
Ben is also the host of the excellent Rational Reminder Podcast
Additional Resources:
The high interest savings account recommended on the show is available at
The guide on how to get the free upgrade to Passiv is available here:
To be sent free tickets to the Canadian Financial Summit once they get released, just sign up anywhere on this site’s homepage here: (I’ll email you the tickets once they are available).
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