How to Prevent Fraud in Your Accounts in Canada

How to Prevent Fraud in Your Accounts in Canada

A big thanks to RBC for sponsoring this episode. 

We talk a lot about growing our net worth as Canadians, but what about actually protecting our assets from threats like fraud?

So, I thought we’d get some security experts on the show to teach us some best practices when it comes to protecting ourselves and our family, especially when it comes to our finances, here in Canada.

They are part of the security teams at the largest bank in Canada (RBC). They have entire teams devoted to security and invest a lot of time and money to ensure that they and their clients are following the best practices.

Today, you and I are going to learn what we can do as regular Canadians, to best protect ourselves.

Our first guest is Kevin Purkiss who is the Vice President of Fraud Management at RBC. He leads the team responsible for managing RBC’s fraud capabilities, and helps protect the many thousands of Canadians that they serve.

Next, we have Kevin’s colleague, Vice-President, Shekher Puri, who’s going to take us through some additional best practices that you and I should be using, to enhance our security, especially when it comes to our finances.

And now let’s jump in to learn what you and I should be doing to better protect ourselves.

Resources Mentioned:

How to Protect Yourself Online

How RBC Keeps You Safe from Fraud – RBC

Questions Covered:

1. Is fraud something that should be on our radar, particularly with the invention of AI tools that are now being utilized for fraud?

2. When it comes to protecting our finances and other information from fraud, there are a handful of ways to protect ourselves, such as using a pin, biometrics, text or email verification. Are some methods more effective than others when it comes to protecting ourselves and our family, and what would you say are the most secure methods that we should be using?

3. Are there any channels or tools that may appear safe, but are not in reality?

4. If we are suspicious that a message we received might be fraudulent in some way, is there an easy and fast way to check its authenticity?

5. When it comes to using public WIFI networks, are we better off not using them at all when possible due to a risk of being hacked? Or should we not use them when doing sensitive tasks like banking?

7. In the realm of digital security, “two-step” and “multi-factor authentication” are often mentioned. Could you demystify these terms for us and shed light on their significance for digital banking users?

8. The task of managing and regularly updating passwords for various apps and websites can be daunting for many. Can you share some insights on why this seemingly tedious process is crucial for our digital safety?

9. As we explore the future of digital security in banking, are there any innovative solutions or technologies on the horizon that could potentially replace traditional passwords?

10. RBC is known for its commitment to client safety. Could you give us a glimpse into the types of technology RBC employs to ensure the security of its clients?

11. In the context of digital security, is there any additional advice or information you believe our listeners should be aware of to enhance their protection online?

12. For those of us eager to learn more and equip ourselves better against potential digital threats, where can we find additional resources or educational materials on this subject?

About Our Guests:

Kevin Purkiss –Vice-President, Fraud Management at RBC

An enterprise transformation leader with 25 years of experience in Financial Services, Kevin Purkiss leverages his broad background in Operations, Sales, Marketing, Technology, and Finance to effect organizational change. As Vice President, Fraud Management, Kevin leads a team responsible for managing RBC’s fraud capabilities within a sound risk framework while protecting our clients. Kevin joined RBC within our Finance Management Development Program. He has held a number of roles with increasing responsibility most significantly in Finance, Analytics, Shared Services and Operations.

Kevin holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Ottawa and an MBA from the University of British Columbia.

Shekher Puri Vice-President, Digital Components & Platforms, Personal & Commercial Banking at RBC

Shekher is responsible for identifying, building and deploying critical re-usable digital patterns, assets and components to drive digital engagement, bionic sales and strategic reuse. He is also accountable for scaling the manufacturing of re-usable components and rethinking how RBC manages its digital capabilities. Shekher also leads the Digital Identity, Access & Security and Open Banking/APIs strategy for RBC.

RBC Disclaimer:
This content in this podcast is intended as general information only and is not to be relied upon as constituting legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. The information presented is believed to be factual and up-to-date but we do not guarantee its accuracy and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the authors as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by Royal Bank of Canada or any of its affiliates.

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