How to Optimize Your Investments to Pay the Least in Tax, for Canadians (Featuring Brendan Wood from Passiv)

Listen to it on Apple Podcasts. Listen to it on Spotify. Listen to it on Google Podcasts. Today, you’re going to learn how you can save money on your investments, by having the right investments, in the right accounts so that you pay as little tax as possible here in Canada. For example, if you hold Canadian stocks,…
How Much Should You Optimize Your Investment Portfolio? The Pros and Cons of Each Approach (Featuring Brendan Wood from Passiv)

Listen to it on Apple Podcasts. Listen to it on Spotify. Listen to it on Google Podcasts. Today, you are going to learn about how much you can save in fees and taxes on your investments, depending on how much time you want to spend optimizing your investment portfolio. In Canada, there are inexpensive options that…
Ask Kornel: Should I Switch My Investments? Should I Be Worried? Are My Investments Falling Behind?

Today I’m going to be answering your questions, to help you out as much as I can in the world of personal finance and investing, here in Canada. We’re going to focus on actionable, practical advice, specifically for Canadians while taking into account the investment options that we have here in Canada, factoring in our…
How to Raise Money Smart Kids, Teens and Young Adults

It’s graduation season here in Canada, so we thought it would be good to focus this episode on parents with kids, those with nieces and nephews, as well as those that are students or fresh out of school. This week, we cover the topic of how to best set up young Canadians and young adults…
Active vs. Passive Investing: Interview with S&P Dow Jones Indices (S&P 500) & How to Choose the Right ETFs

Listen to it on Apple Podcasts. Listen to it on Spotify. Listen to it on Google Podcasts. In this episode, I interview S&P Dow Jones Indices, the creator of the S&P 500, Dow Jones, and many other popular indices used around the world by millions of investors. On today’s interview, we’re going to be covering the SPIVA scorecards…
Financial Independence Case Study & How You Can Retire Early

Listen to it on Apple Podcasts. Listen to it on Spotify. Listen to it on Google Podcasts. Today we have a great case study of somebody that I really respect, and who has been able to achieve financial independence, at a really early age. I wanted this episode to be relevant to you no matter where you are…
How to Maximize Your Inheritance in Canada (and minimize your fees)

Sponsored by RBC Insurance Listen to it on Apple Podcasts Listen to it on Spotify. Listen to it on Google Podcasts. One critical topic that can have a substantial financial impact on both us and our loved ones, is the subject of inheritance, and how to ensure that you and your loved ones don’t end up overpaying in both…
A DIY Investor’s Guide to Determining Your Financial Independence Number and Sustainable Withdrawal Strategy

Listen to it on Apple Podcasts. Listen to it on Spotify. Listen to it on Google Podcasts. Today’s guest is Jason Heath, one of Canada’s best known fee-only financial planners that you’ve probably seen in all sorts of media here in Canada over the years. He’s a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), has been providing financial planning for over…
Rising Interest Rates, New Mortgage Rules, and Variable vs Fixed Mortgages in Canada for 2023

Listen to it on Apple Podcasts. Listen to it on Spotify. Listen to it on Google Podcasts. With the significant increase in interest rates over the past year, and with home buying and selling season right around the corner, I thought it would be great to have our resident mortgage expert on the show, to go over the…
Finding Your Financial Independence Number and How to Live Off Your Portfolio

Listen to it on Apple Podcasts. Listen to it on Spotify. Listen to it on Google Podcasts. It’s RRSP season here in Canada. Remember that March 1 is the deadline for contributing to an RRSP, and have it count towards your 2022 tax year. Also while we’re on the subject, remember that your TFSA contribution room grows every…